SEND audit form 2023-2024
SEND Schools and Colleges including primary, secondary, and post 16, academies and independent settings
Welcome to the 2023-2024 Safeguarding Audit. Please remember your responses are a reflection on the last academic year, not the current school year.
In order to complete in more than one sitting, you will need to create a login using the email address held by the LA. This will enable you to log in and out multiple times before submitting the audit. You need to complete full pages and save that page or data will be lost.
If you choose not to create a login, once you start the audit you will need to complete it in one sitting.
Please direct any queries to
Contact information you submit at the start of the Audit Form
This information is only shared with colleagues within the Standards, Safeguarding and Inclusion service and is used as a primary contact in relation to safeguarding concerns, for example requests for information from MASH. Our privacy notice can be found at
Action Plan
Each section has a space for actions and a completion date. This is for education providers to use, providing you with an action plan to use to implement any necessary improvements as a consequence of completing the audit.
RAG Ratings
This is a visual guide to support the Action Plan, enabling education providers to see easily which safeguarding practice areas require improvement. Please note that these RAG assessments are for your self-assessment and to help the CSCP and it's partners prioritise any specific projects or training and development that may be required. RAG Criteria are below:
Red: There is significant work to be done to be compliant in this area
Amber: There are some gaps which need to be addressed with actions added at the end of the section
Green: The school self-assess as fully compliant with no further action needed
Question Sets
A number of questions have changed from last year with some requiring narrative and others requiring a number or RAG rating. Each of the sections consist with an area to note any actions that are required and for you to provide an overall RAG rating of your provision for that section using the drop-down arrow. Unless stated otherwise the data, information and RAG assessments should relate to the period 1st September 2023 to 31st August 2024. Please note that these RAG assessments are for you, and also to help the CSCP and its partners prioritise any specific projects or training and development that may be required.