Culture grant-holder reporting form
Thank you for making Croydon's culture happen.
This form allows us to collect some information about you and your project so we can build a bigger picture of Croydon's cultural life.
As completing this form is a condition of your grant, it is not anonymous.
Privacy statement
Personal data submitted (including names, addresses, contact details and any equalities data) will be processed in accordance with the requirements of the UK General Data Protection Regulations. Data will only be used for the purposes of monitoring this scheme. Details of individual responses will not be shared or published. By participating, you agree to your data being used in this way.
For further information on how we use, share and protect your personal data in compliance with our legal requirements under the GDPR 2018 and Data Protection Act 2018, please refer to the council’s corporate privacy notice:
Croydon Council's Privacy Statement: