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Croydon Partnership Early Years Strategy parent and carer survey

The experiences in the first few years of a child’s life lay the foundations for their future development, health and wellbeing. Croydon Council and its partners want all children to have the best possible early years experiences.

We are developing a new strategy for the services supporting Croydon’s parents, carers and children in the Early Years – from just before pregnancy to the end of the reception year at school. 

It is vital that the new strategy includes what is important to parents, families and carers. This is where you come in! 

Take part in our survey to tell us what matters to you – your feedback is very important to us.  

All data is anonymous and will only be used to help inform how we plan to meet the needs of young children and families in Croydon and how services should work together.

The survey closed at 23.59 hours on Sunday 27th March 2022.

If you would like us to stay in touch or take part in parent groups to inform the ongoing development of the strategy and design of services please email this address:

Data protection statement

We’ve asked for your information on this survey because it tells us more about the people (like you) who use our services. If we know more about you, we know more about the way our services are used and this helps us to make improved decisions about them. It also helps us to make sure we’re hearing from all our diverse communities.

There are times when we need to collect your contact information (so we can keep in touch). When we ask for this, we will be clear about why we’re collecting this information and how it will be used. When we analyse responses and report findings from our surveys, your personal details will not be identifiable. That’s the same for when we ask for demographic information (like your age, gender identity, ethnicity or disabilities). We’ll also make sure that you don’t have to answer any questions about you, if you don’t want to. 

If you complete this survey/form and have changed your mind about giving us this data, we’ll remove it. You can do this by emailing the words ‘OPT OUT’ to  We’ll extend this for 30 days after a survey/form has closed.