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Have your say on Croydon's Addiscombe East-West Neighbourhood Traffic and Road Safety proposals

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Tell us how you are responding to this survey:


Are you completing this survey as:  (select all that apply)

Information provided by the council online and at the drop-in sessions


How useful or not useful did you find the information provided by the council about the proposals? 

Views on the Proposals (See the technical information posted online: CLICK HERE

The proposals are aimed at addressing the through traffic issues in some residential roads   during the evening and at night. Unfortunately we are not able to restrict traffic during the day due to significant impact on the main roads which could cause large delays to bus services. Additionally, there are various proposals across the area to improve road safety.

Level of support for specific access restriction measures across the area 

( See Plan on the web page:  CLICK HERE )


Plan 8a:  Bingham Road.  

How supportive or unsupportive are you of the following specific access restriction measures:  Bingham Road  from 10:30pm-05:00am (to accommodate activities/events at St Mildred’s Church  and Our Lady of the Annunciation Church)?


Plan 8b:  Northampton Road 

How supportive or unsupportive are you of the following specific access restriction measure in Northampton Road  from 7:00pm-07:00am to prevent displaced traffic from adjacent restricted roads?


Plan 8d:  Clyde Road

How supportive or unsupportive are you of the following specific access restriction measures in Clyde Road aimed at removing through traffic which residents in this road felt there is a current problem?  The access restriction times are between 10:30pm-07:00am to accommodate activities/events at Clyde Hall.


Plan 8c:  Elgin, Havelock, Outram and Ashburton Roads 

How supportive or unsupportive are you of the following specific access restriction measures in the following roads from 7:00pm-07:00am?  This is aimed at removing through traffic which residents of Elgin, Havelock, Outram and Ashburton Roads felt there is a current problem.


Plan 8e:  Canning Road

How supportive or unsupportive are you of the following access restriction measure in Canning Road to prevent displaced traffic as a result of access restrictions in adjacent roads?  The access restriction times are proposed to be 10:30pm-07:00am to accommodate St Mary Magdalene Church activities in the evenings.

One way working system in various streets are proposed to reduce the level of through traffic experienced by residents.


Plan 9a:  Leslie Park Road

How supportive or unsupportive are you of the following specific proposal to prevent displaced traffic from adjacent restricted roads?  Proposal for a one way working system eastbound exempting cyclists.


Plan 9b:  Brockenhurst Road

How supportive or unsupportive are you of the following specific proposal to introduce One Way southbound in Brockenhurst Road to reduce trough traffic?


Plan 9c:  

Kingscote Road

How supportive or unsupportive are you of the following specific proposal to introduce One Way northbound in Kingscote Road to reduce trough traffic?


Plan 9d:  

Colworth Road

How supportive or unsupportive are you of the following specific proposal to introduce One Way southbound in Colworth Road to reduce through traffic?

No Right Turn


Plan 9d:  

Fernhurst Road junction with Lower Addiscombe Road

How supportive or unsupportive are you of the following specific proposal to introduce a No Right Turn from Fernhurst Road  to Lower Addiscombe Road?

Box Junctions


Plan 11a:  

How supportive or unsupportive are you of the following specific proposals to introduce box junctions along Lower Addiscombe Road junction with Outram, Havelock and Elgin Roads subject to technical assessments?


Plan 11b:  How supportive or unsupportive are you of the following specific proposals to introduce a box junction along Lower Addiscombe Road junction with Blackhorse Lane?


Plan 12a:  How supportive or unsupportive are you of the following specific proposals to introduce  improvements to assist pedestrians along Bingham Road at the following locations, i)  raised level crossing at junction with Shirley Road, ii) New zebra crossing outside St Mildred’s Church, and iii) a new zebra crossing near the junction with Lower Addiscombe Road?

Road Safety measures

Road safety measures are proposed to improve pedestrian safety and create streets where residents can walk and cycle, thus reducing the perception of road danger.


Plan 12b:  Alleyway connecting  Havelock, Elgin, Clyde and Canning Roads.

How supportive or usupportive are you of the following specific proposal to introduce a pedestrian crossing facility at each end of the alleyway connecting  Havelock, Elgin, Clyde and Canning Roads to stop pedestrians crossing in between parked cars?  This is subject to technical assessments.


Plan 12b:  Alleyway connecting Ashburton Road and Outram Road

How supportive or unsupportive are you of the following specific proposal to introduce a pedestrian crossing facility at each end of the alleyway connecting Ashburton Road and Outram Road to stop pedestrians crossing in between parked cars?  This is subject to technical assessments.


Plan 12c:  Lower Addiscombe Road 20 mph limit 

How supportive or unsupportive are you of the following specific proposal to introduce a 20 mph speed limit on Lower Addiscombe Road to improve road safety given the historical road injury collision problems?


Plan 12d:  Leslie Park Road

How supportive or unsupportive are you of the following specific proposals to introduce road safety measures in Leslie Park Road to include i) road narrowing   with tree planting, ii) road narrowing at both ends of its junction with Lower Addiscombe Road and Cherry Orchard Road, and iii) additional traffic calming as appropriate to reduce speed to below 20 mph?


Plan 12e:  Oval Road

How supportive or unsupportive are you of the following specific proposals to introduce road safety measures in Oval Road to include i) road narrowing  with buildout and tree planting along the one way stretch, ii) junction narrowing  and improved pedestrian crossing near the school, iii) additional calming measures as appropriate to reduce speeds to below 20mph?


Plan 12f:  Junction of Lebanon Rd and Leslie Park Road

How supportive or unsupportive are you of the following measure to introduce a road narrowing measure with greening to create a gateway effect and reduce traffic speeds?

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