Have your say on Croydon's licensing policy

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Croydon's Statement of Licensing Policy sets out how the council will deal with applications for alcohol sales and certain entertainment venues in the borough. The current policy was updated in 2018 and as part of the Licensing Act 2003, the council must review it every five years.

As part of the review, we'd like to hear people's views on our draft amendments to the policy and the current and proposed Cumulative Impact Areas.

What are the proposed changes to the policy?

  • Keep the four current Cumulative Impact Areas

  • Propose a new, fifth Cumulative Impact Area for High Street and Portland Road, South Norwood

  • remove the two 'special stress areas'– High Street & Portland Road, South Norwood and Lower Addiscombe Road

  • update general details such as borough population, committee and board names and responsibilities – see full list

What is the licensing policy?

The council is the licensing authority for the Licensing Act 2003 (‘the Act’). One of the council’s duties under this Act is to publish a policy statement, setting out how it will exercise its functions under the Act. The policy must be published before the authority reviews individual applications and notices made under the terms of the 2003 Act. The policy must set out how the authority will act to support the four licensing objectives under the Act, which are:

  • prevention of crime and disorder

  • public safety

  • prevention of public nuisance

  • protection of children from harm

The policy covers the following licensable activities:

  • retail sale of alcohol

  • supply of alcohol by or on behalf of a club

  • provision of regulated entertainment

  • provision of late-night refreshment (between 11pm and 5am)

Cumulative Impact Area (CIA)

A Cumulative Impact Assessment may be proposed by a licensing authority to help it to limit the number or types of licence applications granted in a specific area. These areas are called Cumulative Impact Areas (CIAs) and are where there is evidence that the number or density of licensed premises is high or serious problems of nuisance, crime and disorder may arise outside or near the premises.

As part of its licensing policy Croydon currently has four CIAs which relate to sales of alcohol for consumption off the premises from off-licences, shops and supermarkets. These CIAs are being reviewed as part of this consultation - find out more about them and the data and evidence that supports them:

In addition, we are proposing the introduction of a fifth CIA for High Street and Portland Road, South Norwood - see map of the proposed area. This is proposed to relate to sales of alcohol for consumption off the premises from off-licenses, shops and supermarkets.

How to have your say

Please have a look at the supporting information available on this page and tell us what you think about the proposed changes in our survey below. The survey has now closed.

Alternatively, you can email comments to licensing@croydon.gov.uk

If you would like this information in a different format, email licensing@croydon.gov.uk or you can contact the council’s licensing team on 020 8760 5466.

What will happen next?

All feedback will be reviewed and an updated licensing policy will be presented to the council's licensing committee for consideration and recommendation to Full Council for final approval.

You said, we did

Thank you to everyone who took part in the survey. Responses were analysed and helped develop the recommendations that were presented to Licensing Committee on 29 November 2022. Recommendations were then presented for adoption at Full Council on 14 December 2022.

A summary of the change is listed below:

  • Retain the four current Cumulative Impact Areas as listed in the existing licensing policy
  • Introduce a new, fifth Cumulative Impact Area for High Street and Portland Road, South Norwood into the licensing policy
  • Remove the two 'special stress areas'– High Street & Portland Road, South Norwood and Lower Addiscombe Road
  • Update general details in the policy such as borough population, committee and board names and responsibilities. This includes changes to incorporate the new governance structure of the council with the election of an Executive Mayor and reflects the aspirations for the borough
  • Additional wording regarding equalities duties for the council and operators
  • Updates to references to relevant guidance documents

Read the Statement of Licensing Policy 2023 to 2028 in full on the council website.

Croydon's Statement of Licensing Policy sets out how the council will deal with applications for alcohol sales and certain entertainment venues in the borough. The current policy was updated in 2018 and as part of the Licensing Act 2003, the council must review it every five years.

As part of the review, we'd like to hear people's views on our draft amendments to the policy and the current and proposed Cumulative Impact Areas.

What are the proposed changes to the policy?

  • Keep the four current Cumulative Impact Areas

  • Propose a new, fifth Cumulative Impact Area for High Street and Portland Road, South Norwood

  • remove the two 'special stress areas'– High Street & Portland Road, South Norwood and Lower Addiscombe Road

  • update general details such as borough population, committee and board names and responsibilities – see full list

What is the licensing policy?

The council is the licensing authority for the Licensing Act 2003 (‘the Act’). One of the council’s duties under this Act is to publish a policy statement, setting out how it will exercise its functions under the Act. The policy must be published before the authority reviews individual applications and notices made under the terms of the 2003 Act. The policy must set out how the authority will act to support the four licensing objectives under the Act, which are:

  • prevention of crime and disorder

  • public safety

  • prevention of public nuisance

  • protection of children from harm

The policy covers the following licensable activities:

  • retail sale of alcohol

  • supply of alcohol by or on behalf of a club

  • provision of regulated entertainment

  • provision of late-night refreshment (between 11pm and 5am)

Cumulative Impact Area (CIA)

A Cumulative Impact Assessment may be proposed by a licensing authority to help it to limit the number or types of licence applications granted in a specific area. These areas are called Cumulative Impact Areas (CIAs) and are where there is evidence that the number or density of licensed premises is high or serious problems of nuisance, crime and disorder may arise outside or near the premises.

As part of its licensing policy Croydon currently has four CIAs which relate to sales of alcohol for consumption off the premises from off-licences, shops and supermarkets. These CIAs are being reviewed as part of this consultation - find out more about them and the data and evidence that supports them:

In addition, we are proposing the introduction of a fifth CIA for High Street and Portland Road, South Norwood - see map of the proposed area. This is proposed to relate to sales of alcohol for consumption off the premises from off-licenses, shops and supermarkets.

How to have your say

Please have a look at the supporting information available on this page and tell us what you think about the proposed changes in our survey below. The survey has now closed.

Alternatively, you can email comments to licensing@croydon.gov.uk

If you would like this information in a different format, email licensing@croydon.gov.uk or you can contact the council’s licensing team on 020 8760 5466.

What will happen next?

All feedback will be reviewed and an updated licensing policy will be presented to the council's licensing committee for consideration and recommendation to Full Council for final approval.

You said, we did

Thank you to everyone who took part in the survey. Responses were analysed and helped develop the recommendations that were presented to Licensing Committee on 29 November 2022. Recommendations were then presented for adoption at Full Council on 14 December 2022.

A summary of the change is listed below:

  • Retain the four current Cumulative Impact Areas as listed in the existing licensing policy
  • Introduce a new, fifth Cumulative Impact Area for High Street and Portland Road, South Norwood into the licensing policy
  • Remove the two 'special stress areas'– High Street & Portland Road, South Norwood and Lower Addiscombe Road
  • Update general details in the policy such as borough population, committee and board names and responsibilities. This includes changes to incorporate the new governance structure of the council with the election of an Executive Mayor and reflects the aspirations for the borough
  • Additional wording regarding equalities duties for the council and operators
  • Updates to references to relevant guidance documents

Read the Statement of Licensing Policy 2023 to 2028 in full on the council website.

  • CLOSED: This survey has now closed.
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Page last updated: 09 Mar 2023, 10:40 AM