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Representation form

Guidance note 

Please use this form to provide representations on the Proposed Submission draft of the Croydon Local Plan (the Plan). Only representations received on this form, within the consultation period and in accordance with the Statement of Representation Procedure have the right to be considered by the Inspector at the examination. Please read the guidance below to assist when making your representation. 

The Plan and a full list of supporting documents and evidence are also available to view and download from the council’s consultation webpage.

When responding to the regulation 19 consultation, representations should comment on whether the Plan is sound and legally compliant, referring to specific policy and paragraph numbers (as amended). Please be as concise as possible.

All representations are required to be made public. Your representations and name/name of your organisation will be published, but other personal information will remain confidential. Anonymous responses will not be considered. Your personal data will be held and processed in accordance with the Council’s Privacy Notice which can be viewed at

This form has two parts:

  1. Part A - personal details
  2. Part B - your representation(s) –if you would like to make more than one representation please complete part B for every additional representation made.