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Equalities questions: Have your say in the private renters' survey 2024

Data protection statement

We have asked for your personal contact information on this application form so we can keep in touch. When we ask for this, we will be clear about why we’re collecting this information and how it will be used. Personal data submitted (including names, addresses and contact details) will be processed in accordance with the requirements of the UK General Data Protection Regulations. Data will only be used for the purposes of this application form. Contact details will not be shared or published. By participating, you agree to your data being used in this way.

If you complete this form and have changed your mind about giving us this data please let us know by emailing ‘OPT OUT’ to We’ll extend this for 30 days after the survey has closed.

This survey will close at 23.59 on 16th September 2024.

About you

Please tell us a little bit about yourself.  You do not have to answer these questions if you do not wish to, but if you do, it will be very helpful for us to understand which diverse groups and communities we are hearing from.


What is your sex?  (a question about gender identity will follow if you are aged 16 or over)


Are you aged 16 or over?


This question is for respondents aged 16 and over:  Is the gender you identify with the same as your sex registered at birth?  (this question is voluntary)


Which of the following best describes your sexual orientation?


Which age range are you in?


How would you describe your ethnic origin?


Currently, what is your legal marital or registered civil partnership status?


Have you or your partner had a baby in the last 12 months?


The Equality Act 2010 defines someone as a disabled person if they have a physical or mental impairment which has a long term and substantial adverse effect on their ability to carry out normal day to day activities.        

A disability may include progressive conditions such as HIV and cancer, mobility, sight or hearing impairments or mental health issues such as depression.            

 In considering whether you have a disability you should not take into account the effect of any medication or treatments used or adaptations made which reduce the effects of an impairments (other than glasses or contact lenses used to correct a visual impairment)


Do you consider yourself to have a disability?


What is your religion?


Which Croydon ward do you live in?