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Have your say in the private renters' survey 2024

Have your say in Croydon's private renters’ survey 

Can you help us understand private renting in Croydon? Croydon Council wants to support people living in privately rented homes. Around one in four local residents are private renters with many dealing with unacceptable living conditions such as poorly maintained or unsafe housing.

We would like to hear directly from renters in the borough. If you are a private renter in Croydon you can share your experiences by taking this short survey which should take no longer than 10 minutes to complete. 

The information provided will be treated as confidential and used for research purposes only. Your survey responses will not be identifiable but will be combined with those from other participants and treated anonymously. The council will not use any of the information you provide for direct marketing or non-research activities. 

This survey is part of wider work by Croydon Council to improve understanding of the borough's private rented sector in 2024.

Data protection statement

We have asked for your personal contact information on this application form so we can keep in touch. When we ask for this, we will be clear about why we’re collecting this information and how it will be used. Personal data submitted (including names, addresses and contact details) will be processed in accordance with the requirements of the UK General Data Protection Regulations. Data will only be used for the purposes of this application form. Contact details will not be shared or published. By participating, you agree to your data being used in this way.

If you complete this form and have changed your mind about giving us this data please let us know by emailing ‘OPT OUT’ to We’ll extend this for 30 days after the survey has closed.

This survey will close at 23.59 on 16th September 2024.


Who do you rent your home from?

* required
Select option


Who do you live with?

* required

What are the biggest issues or worries you’ve faced as a private renter in the last five years? Please tick any that apply 

* required

Where did you live before you moved into your current property? 

* required

Have you faced new issues or worries as a private renter, either due to finances, health, or living space, since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic in March 2020? 

* required

Public health advice was issued to prevent the spread of infection during the Covid-19 pandemic from 2020-2023, such as washing hands, cleaning surfaces, opening windows, social distancing and self-isolation. Did you follow and have you continued to follow this advice? 

* required

Were you in touch with your landlord or letting agent during the Covid-19 pandemic? 

* required

How long have you been in your current property?

* required

Thinking about your current rented home how easy is it to report an issue to your landlord or letting agent and get it resolved within a reasonable time frame?

* required

If you needed to, would you be confident contacting Croydon Council about an issue with your private rented home? 

* required

If your landlord or letting agent wasn’t responsive or willing to deal with an issue, what would you do to resolve the problem? Please tick any that apply.

* required

Croydon Council is considering establishing a Private Renters Forum with the aim of improving private renting in Croydon, with regular updates and open meetings enabling renters to raise concerns about their private rented housing with council officers. Would you be happy for us to contact you by email about this forum?

* required