Have your say on air quality in Croydon

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We have launched an eight-week consultation on our draft Air Quality Delivery Plan (AQDP) 2024 - 2029 which sets out our priorities for how we work to improve air quality in the borough.

We want to hear what those who live, work and visit Croydon think of the priorities and if they have any suggestions for other things our plan should include.

You can review the draft plan here. We've summarised the priorities below.

  1. Work towards the World Health Organisation (WHO) guidelines for reducing PM2.5 (small particles of dust)
  2. Increase the network of air quality monitoring across the borough
  3. Continue to engage schools on improving the air quality around them
  4. Continue to carry out regular inspections of major developments in the borough to make sure sites have considered their environmental impact and have submitted either a construction logistics plan (CLP) or construction environmental management plan (CEMP)
  5. Continue to review applications for new developments to ensure they are air quality positive or at least 'air quality neutral'
  6. Continue to raise awareness and encourage behaviour change through air quality campaigns
  7. Assess any potential impact of more electric vehicle infrastructure in the borough
  8. Increase awareness of the negative emissions that come from the burning of non seasoned wood and wood burning in the home through an awareness campaign
  9. Review the vehicles the council uses to deliver its services and suggest reasonable changes to help reduce emissions
  10. Improve opportunities for cycling and walking.

Have your say

Tell us what you think of our draft Air Quality Delivery Plan and the priorities in our
short survey.

Survey closes 11:59pm, Wednesday 10 February 2025.

Privacy statement:

Personal data submitted (including any equalities data) will be processed in accordance with the requirements of the UK General Data Protection Regulations. Data will only be used for the purposes of the consultation. Details will not be shared or published. By participating, you agree to your data being used in this way. For the purposes of this survey, we are asking some equalities questions.

For further information on how we use, share and protect your personal data in compliance with our legal requirements under the GDPR 2018 and Data Protection Act 2018, please refer to the council’s corporate privacy notice: https://www.croydon.gov.uk/council-and-elections/privacy-and-open-data/privacy-notices/corporate-privacy-notice

We have launched an eight-week consultation on our draft Air Quality Delivery Plan (AQDP) 2024 - 2029 which sets out our priorities for how we work to improve air quality in the borough.

We want to hear what those who live, work and visit Croydon think of the priorities and if they have any suggestions for other things our plan should include.

You can review the draft plan here. We've summarised the priorities below.

  1. Work towards the World Health Organisation (WHO) guidelines for reducing PM2.5 (small particles of dust)
  2. Increase the network of air quality monitoring across the borough
  3. Continue to engage schools on improving the air quality around them
  4. Continue to carry out regular inspections of major developments in the borough to make sure sites have considered their environmental impact and have submitted either a construction logistics plan (CLP) or construction environmental management plan (CEMP)
  5. Continue to review applications for new developments to ensure they are air quality positive or at least 'air quality neutral'
  6. Continue to raise awareness and encourage behaviour change through air quality campaigns
  7. Assess any potential impact of more electric vehicle infrastructure in the borough
  8. Increase awareness of the negative emissions that come from the burning of non seasoned wood and wood burning in the home through an awareness campaign
  9. Review the vehicles the council uses to deliver its services and suggest reasonable changes to help reduce emissions
  10. Improve opportunities for cycling and walking.

Have your say

Tell us what you think of our draft Air Quality Delivery Plan and the priorities in our
short survey.

Survey closes 11:59pm, Wednesday 10 February 2025.

Privacy statement:

Personal data submitted (including any equalities data) will be processed in accordance with the requirements of the UK General Data Protection Regulations. Data will only be used for the purposes of the consultation. Details will not be shared or published. By participating, you agree to your data being used in this way. For the purposes of this survey, we are asking some equalities questions.

For further information on how we use, share and protect your personal data in compliance with our legal requirements under the GDPR 2018 and Data Protection Act 2018, please refer to the council’s corporate privacy notice: https://www.croydon.gov.uk/council-and-elections/privacy-and-open-data/privacy-notices/corporate-privacy-notice

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Page last updated: 16 Dec 2024, 11:56 AM