How would council tax support be calculated?

    Weekly income bands

    Yearly income

    % discount

    Eligible pensioners, care leavers (under 25) and disabled residents who are unable to work

    100% protected

    £0 - £150

    £0 - £7,800


    Over £150 - £200

    Over £7,800 - £10,400


    Over £200 - £250

    Over £10,400 - £13,000


    Over £250 - £300

    Over £13,000 - £15,600


    Over £300 - £350

    Over £15,600 - £18,200


    Over £350 - £400

    Over £18,200 - £20,800


    Over £400 - £450

    Over £20,800 - £23,400


    Over £450 Over £23,4000%

    How would the income of any other working age adults (aged 18 or over, and not the claimant or partner) living in the property affect the amount of council tax support someone would receive?

    Other adults living in a household will be expected to contribute something towards council tax. This is called a non-dependant deduction, for people aged 18 or over, who are not the claimant or partner, and there are three revised flat rate levels as follows:

    £5 per week – non working

    £10 per week – gross wages of £22,999 or less

    £30 per week - gross wages of £23,000 or above   

    A deduction is an amount taken off a claimant’s council tax support (CTS) entitlement on the basis that it is expected that other adults will contribute towards council tax.   

    How does council tax banding affect the amount of council tax support someone would receive?

    The banding of the property tells us what the maximum weekly award of support should be i.e. a band D property would pay £1,888.15 council tax a year, therefore maximum weekly award of council tax support is £1,888.15 / 52 weeks = £36.31.

    With an income banded scheme, how much would someone need to be earning to not be entitled to any council tax support?

    It is proposed that residents who have a weekly income of over £450 will not be entitled to receive council tax support.

    How might the proposed scheme affect the amount of council tax support people receive?

    See some examples of how the proposed scheme may affect the amount of council tax support people receive below: