Repairs service standards survey

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New repairs and gas servicing contract – have your say

Croydon is choosing a new contractor to provide our responsive repairs and gas servicing service from April 2023.

We’ve committed to involving residents in selecting the provider and helping us to monitor their performance once in place. Residents have told us what is important to them and have produced a draft set of customer service standards. We would like your feedback on these standards and to tell us if you think something is missing.

Please read the survey standards before completing the survey below.

(Please note that we are specifically asking about the new repairs contract standards rather than the existing repairs service).

The survey closes on 10 August 2022.

Privacy notice

Contact information is provided voluntarily by those who wish to be involved in the re-procurement process. We will only use your contact details for this purpose. We will not share your details with anyone outside of the council. If you would prefer your survey responses to be anonymous but would like to be involved further please email:

If you would like more information about the way we collect and store your information please contact the resident involvement team either by email or by phone 020 8726 6100. If you would like to be removed from the mailing list please contact the team, as above. For further information about how we use, share and protect your personal data in compliance with our legal requirements under the GDPR 2018 and Data Protection Act 2018, refer to the council’s corporate privacy notice at

New repairs and gas servicing contract – have your say

Croydon is choosing a new contractor to provide our responsive repairs and gas servicing service from April 2023.

We’ve committed to involving residents in selecting the provider and helping us to monitor their performance once in place. Residents have told us what is important to them and have produced a draft set of customer service standards. We would like your feedback on these standards and to tell us if you think something is missing.

Please read the survey standards before completing the survey below.

(Please note that we are specifically asking about the new repairs contract standards rather than the existing repairs service).

The survey closes on 10 August 2022.

Privacy notice

Contact information is provided voluntarily by those who wish to be involved in the re-procurement process. We will only use your contact details for this purpose. We will not share your details with anyone outside of the council. If you would prefer your survey responses to be anonymous but would like to be involved further please email:

If you would like more information about the way we collect and store your information please contact the resident involvement team either by email or by phone 020 8726 6100. If you would like to be removed from the mailing list please contact the team, as above. For further information about how we use, share and protect your personal data in compliance with our legal requirements under the GDPR 2018 and Data Protection Act 2018, refer to the council’s corporate privacy notice at

  • CLOSED: This survey has ended.
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Page last updated: 10 Aug 2022, 11:59 PM