Short break activities

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A range of short break services, play schemes and youth activities are available to children and young people with a disability in Croydon.

Short Breaks are activities for children and young people with a disability. They allow children and young people with disabilities to have an enjoyable break away from their main carer while giving their carer a break from their caring responsibilities.

You can access many of these services directly, whilst others require an assessment and referral from the 0-25 Children with Disabilities Social Care Service.

We are seeking user experience feedback from families, children and young people who

A range of short break services, play schemes and youth activities are available to children and young people with a disability in Croydon.

Short Breaks are activities for children and young people with a disability. They allow children and young people with disabilities to have an enjoyable break away from their main carer while giving their carer a break from their caring responsibilities.

You can access many of these services directly, whilst others require an assessment and referral from the 0-25 Children with Disabilities Social Care Service.

We are seeking user experience feedback from families, children and young people who currently access these services in Croydon. Your views will assist the council with reviewing the current short break offer that is made available.

If you, your family or someone you care for, currently access short break services, we really welcome you to have your say. Click on the survey link below to take part.

Findings and results from the survey will be shared with the Children with Disabilities & SEND support services senior management team and a summary will also be made available for you to access within one month after the survey closes via

The survey closes at midnight 18 July 2022.

Data protection statement

We’ve asked for your information on this survey because it tells us more about the people who use our services. If we know more about you, we know more about the way our services are used and this helps us to make improved decisions about them. It also helps us to make sure we’re hearing from all our diverse communities.

When we analyse responses and report findings from our surveys this is done anonymously and therefore your personal details are not identifiable. That’s the same for when we ask for demographic information (like your age, gender identity, ethnicity or disabilities). We’ll also make sure that you don’t have to answer any questions about you if you don't want to.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
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Page last updated: 17 Mar 2023, 12:35 PM