Building safety resident engagement survey

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Why are we contacting you?

The recent contact with residents in high-rise blocks is due to new regulations introduced by the Building Safety Act 2022. This law was enacted in response to the Grenfell Tower fire and aims to enhance the safety of high-rise buildings. It requires building owners and managers to engage with residents about safety measures, ensuring they are informed and involved in decisions regarding their building's safety. This includes providing clear information on who to contact with safety concerns and how to report issues.

We are consulting with residents to create a resident engagement strategy for your building. We want to ensure that we keep you informed and consult you on the things that matter to you relating to the safety of your building. We want to make sure that you are confident that you will be listened to if you have any concerns and understand from you how and if you want to get more involved in building safety matters.

Survey closes 6th December 2024.

Data protection statement

We have asked for your personal contact information on this application form so we can keep in touch. When we ask for this, we will be clear about why we’re collecting this information and how it will be used. Personal data submitted (including names, addresses and contact details) will be processed in accordance with the requirements of the UK General Data Protection Regulations. Data will only be used for the purposes of this application form. Contact details will not be shared or published. By participating, you agree to your data being used in this way.

If you complete this form and have changed your mind about giving us this data please let us know by emailing ‘OPT OUT’ to We’ll extend this for 30 days after the survey has closed.

Why are we contacting you?

The recent contact with residents in high-rise blocks is due to new regulations introduced by the Building Safety Act 2022. This law was enacted in response to the Grenfell Tower fire and aims to enhance the safety of high-rise buildings. It requires building owners and managers to engage with residents about safety measures, ensuring they are informed and involved in decisions regarding their building's safety. This includes providing clear information on who to contact with safety concerns and how to report issues.

We are consulting with residents to create a resident engagement strategy for your building. We want to ensure that we keep you informed and consult you on the things that matter to you relating to the safety of your building. We want to make sure that you are confident that you will be listened to if you have any concerns and understand from you how and if you want to get more involved in building safety matters.

Survey closes 6th December 2024.

Data protection statement

We have asked for your personal contact information on this application form so we can keep in touch. When we ask for this, we will be clear about why we’re collecting this information and how it will be used. Personal data submitted (including names, addresses and contact details) will be processed in accordance with the requirements of the UK General Data Protection Regulations. Data will only be used for the purposes of this application form. Contact details will not be shared or published. By participating, you agree to your data being used in this way.

If you complete this form and have changed your mind about giving us this data please let us know by emailing ‘OPT OUT’ to We’ll extend this for 30 days after the survey has closed.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
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Page last updated: 06 Dec 2024, 11:59 PM