Have your say on proposed changes to school admissions

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We are inviting Croydon residents and anyone with an interest to give their views on proposed changes to the borough’s school admission policy – the council’s criteria for admissions and appeals for primary schools in the borough.

The purpose of the admissions policy is to make sure that school places are allocated and offered openly and fairly. It also publishes the admission numbers for schools, known as PAN (published admission number).

The government’s School Admission Code 2021 requires admission authorities to consult on their admission arrangements for its schools at least once every seven years and consult on any proposed changes.

Following Croydon’s review, the council is proposing changes to its admission arrangements, including the reduction of published admission numbers for two Croydon community schools from September 2026.

Beulah Junior School in Thornton Heath is proposing a reduction in intake places from 90 to 60.

Winterbourne Infants School, also in Thornton Heath, proposing a reduction in intake places from 150 to 120.

The proposals follow an increase of surplus places, across the borough, due to low birth rate resulting in the schools proposing to reduce their published admission numbers.

Other proposed changes are in line with residents' feedback and include providing more detail around definitions to make the criteria clearer for those making applications.

Have your say in the survey below.

Survey closes 11:59pm on Friday 13 December 2024.

Data protection statement

We have asked for your personal contact information on this survey so we can keep in touch. When we ask for this, we will be clear about why we’re collecting this information and how it will be used. Personal data submitted (including names, addresses and contact details) will be processed in accordance with the requirements of the UK General Data Protection Regulations. Data will only be used for the purposes of this survey. Contact details will not be shared or published. By participating, you agree to your data being used in this way.

If you complete this form and have changed your mind about giving us this data please let us know by emailing ‘OPT OUT’ to SCHOOL.ADMISSIONS@croydon.gov.uk We’ll extend this for 30 days after the survey has closed.

We are inviting Croydon residents and anyone with an interest to give their views on proposed changes to the borough’s school admission policy – the council’s criteria for admissions and appeals for primary schools in the borough.

The purpose of the admissions policy is to make sure that school places are allocated and offered openly and fairly. It also publishes the admission numbers for schools, known as PAN (published admission number).

The government’s School Admission Code 2021 requires admission authorities to consult on their admission arrangements for its schools at least once every seven years and consult on any proposed changes.

Following Croydon’s review, the council is proposing changes to its admission arrangements, including the reduction of published admission numbers for two Croydon community schools from September 2026.

Beulah Junior School in Thornton Heath is proposing a reduction in intake places from 90 to 60.

Winterbourne Infants School, also in Thornton Heath, proposing a reduction in intake places from 150 to 120.

The proposals follow an increase of surplus places, across the borough, due to low birth rate resulting in the schools proposing to reduce their published admission numbers.

Other proposed changes are in line with residents' feedback and include providing more detail around definitions to make the criteria clearer for those making applications.

Have your say in the survey below.

Survey closes 11:59pm on Friday 13 December 2024.

Data protection statement

We have asked for your personal contact information on this survey so we can keep in touch. When we ask for this, we will be clear about why we’re collecting this information and how it will be used. Personal data submitted (including names, addresses and contact details) will be processed in accordance with the requirements of the UK General Data Protection Regulations. Data will only be used for the purposes of this survey. Contact details will not be shared or published. By participating, you agree to your data being used in this way.

If you complete this form and have changed your mind about giving us this data please let us know by emailing ‘OPT OUT’ to SCHOOL.ADMISSIONS@croydon.gov.uk We’ll extend this for 30 days after the survey has closed.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
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Page last updated: 13 Dec 2024, 11:00 PM